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5 марта 2025г.

9-я международная конференция “Deep Learning on Computational Physics (DLCP2025)” состоится с 30 июня по 2 июля на базе Научно-технологического университета «Сириус»

05/03/2025 17:31

The 9th International Conference in Deep Learning in Computational Physics

June 30 - July 2, 2025
Sirius University of Science and Technology, Russia

Official website DLCP2025:

We are pleased to invite you to participate to the DLCP2025 – The 9th International Conference on Deep Learning in Computational Physics which will be held at the SSirius University of Science and Technology on June 30 – July 02, 2025.

The conference will be held in a mixed format: face-to-face and remote.

The conference focuses on the use of machine learning in astrophysics and high energy physics, physics of atmosphere and other areas of natural sciences. Topics of interest are various applications of artificial neural networks to physical problems, as well as the development of new modern machine learning methods for analyzing various scientific data, including big data.

The working languages are English and Russian.


The main topics

Section 1. Machine Learning in Fundamental Physics

  • Machine learning methods in particle astrophysics and high energy physics.
  • Fast event generators based on machine learning for simulation of physics phenomena.
  • Multi-messenger data analysis of experimental data.
  • Application machine learning for data analysis in megascience facilities.

Section 2. Machine Learning for Environmental Sciences

  • Climate analysis, retrospective analysis and projection
  • Statistical modeling of the ocean and atmosphere on various temporal and spatial scales
  • Environmental monitoring: remote sensing, instrumental monitoring, observations, monitoring networks

Section 3. Machine Learning in Natural Sciences

  • Biology and bioinformatics.
  • Engineering sciences.
  • Modern Machine Learning Methods

The conference will feature:

  • invited presentations – 30 minutes,
  • regular presentations – 15 minutes,
dlcp2025/start.txt · Last modified: 05/03/2025 23:57 by admin